Find out about our location and transport details to make getting to school safe and easy.
Our school is located at:
67 Bong Bong Street
Kiama NSW 2533
Getting to and from school safely
As a parent or carer, it’s your responsibility to get your child to and from school safely. Student safety is our priority.
Keep our school community safe by:
- driving and parking safely, even if it means parking further away and walking the rest of the way to school
- being a good role model
- never calling your child from across the road
- using the safest place to cross the road.
For parents and carers of younger children
Talk safe travel with your school- aged child including:
- Walking to school safely
- Travelling safely to and from school by car
- Travelling safely to and from school by bus
- Travelling to and from school on a bike or scooter
- Always wear a helmet
- 7 reasons to actively travel to and from school
Also talk about and practise:
- safe travel routes
- plans for when unexpected things happen
- what to do in wet weather.
Bus travel to Kiama Public School is serviced by Kiama Coaches.
You can apply for a bus pass directly through Service NSW
Free bus travel is available to all students who are:
- in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2, irrespective of the distance from the school
- in Years 3 to 6 who reside more than 1.6 km (radial distance) from the school
- residing 2.3 km or more by the most direct practical walking route to school
NB. Parents of students progressing from Year 2 to Year 3 need to reapply for a bus pass.
If you have any questions regarding bus passes, routes or timetables please contact Kiama Coaches directly on:
Kiama Coachlines
154 Shoalhaven Street
Kiama NSW 2533
T: 02 4232 3466

Bus passes - Appeal information
NSW Transport School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) – appeals information
Application forms for school bus passes as well as appeal information, appeal forms and guidelines for determining the safety of a walking route to school are available to download from Transport for NSW.
If your application for a free school bus pass for your child is rejected you may find the suggestions below useful for completing an appeal form. You may wish to use the points relevant to your individual situation along with any further supporting information (e.g. the walking route required, the names of streets with poor visibility or dangerous crossing places). These are only suggestions and not an exhaustive list. They do not guarantee a successful outcome to your appeal.
I would like to appeal the decision to reject the school bus-pass application for my child on safety grounds.
I feel it is unsafe for my primary-aged child to walk to and from school because (use any that apply):
- The roads around Kiama Public School are very steep which makes it impossible for my child to clearly see cars approaching when crossing the road, especially where no pedestrian crossing aids are provided;
- My primary-aged child is obscured from a motorist's view when crossing roads due to the steep hills on the roads around Kiama Public School and on the walking route home from school;
- There are no pedestrian crossing aids on the streets that my child would have to cross to walk to and from school (name of streets);
- There are steeply sloping grass verges and no footpaths on streets on the walking route to Kiama Public School forcing my child to walk on the shoulder of the road or cross the road multiple times to gain a footpath, both of which I feel are unsafe for my primary-aged child (name of streets);
- My child is required to cross busy roads close to roundabouts (name of streets);
- My child is required to walk on the shoulder of the road due to a lack of footpaths (name of streets);
- My child is required to walk on the shoulder of the road due to obstacles / dense vegetation on the grass verge making walking difficult / unsafe (name of streets);
- My child would be required to cross the main thoroughfare of Kiama (Terralong Street) which is very busy at school drop-off and pick-up times;
- There is no pedestrian crossing aid on the main thoroughfare of Kiama (name of streets) at the point where my child would need to cross;
- My primary-aged child is required to accompany a younger sibling travelling home by school bus.
NB: It is the responsibility of the parent completing the appeal form to ensure the information they include on the form is accurate and relevant to their individual situation.
Subsidised school travel
Transport for NSW provides subsidies to assist school students.
- The School Student Transport Scheme provides eligible students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.
- The School Drive Subsidy may help towards the costs of driving children to school if you live in an area where there is no public transport.