Kiama Public School

Let Your Deeds Shine

Telephone02 4232 1471

Parents & citizens

Welcome to the KPS P&C

The Kiama Public School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a group of volunteer parents, carers, and community members dedicated to supporting our school.

Our Mission

We work together to enhance the educational experience for all students, foster a strong school community, and help provide the resources and opportunities that make our school great.

What We Do

2nd Hand Uniform Shop

We run the 2nd hand uniform shop. You can purchase items online via Flexischools, and have them delivered to your child's classroom.

Fundraising & Events

We organise events like the below to raise funds and nurture community:

  • School discos
  • Family fun nights
  • Special event stalls
  • Crazy sock day
  • Movie nights
  • Gardening days
  • Pie drive

Supporting the School

We collaborate with school staff to:

  • Identify needs
  • Contribute towards improving facilities
  • Support school programs

Community Involvement

  • Build a welcoming school environment
  • Encourage parents and carers to be active participants in their children's education
  • Create a strong sense of community

Why Join Us?

Get Involved: It's a great way to meet other parents, and have a say in what happens at school.

Make a Difference: Your involvement helps enrich your child's school experience and supports the entire student community.

Stay Informed: P&C meetings keep you updated on school activities, and provide an opportunity for you to share ideas and contribute.

How to Get Involved

  • Join our P&C Messenger Group: This is where most of the action and coordination happens, and is the best place to follow along and get involved. Email to be added.
  • Tell us how you'd like to help: Complete this form
  • Attend P&C Meetings: Held once per term in person or online, open to all!
  • Volunteer: Assist with events, join a sub-committee, or lend a hand with school projects
  • Contribute Ideas: We're always open to new suggestions for fundraising or community initiatives

Contact Us

For more information:

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