Kiama Public School

Let Your Deeds Shine

Telephone02 4232 1471

Code of Conduct - Travel

Bus travel - to and from school and for excursions

Application Forms for bus travel set out the full Code of Conduct.

The code is designed to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers.  If a student breaks the Code of Conduct the privilege of free bus travel may be removed.

When waiting in bus lines at school, all students will:

  • Line up in bus lines according to their bus number.
  • Wait patiently.
  • Respect other people and their private property.
  • Remove backpacks from their back.
  • Have their bus pass and any other required identification ready when boarding the bus.

When travelling by bus, all students will:

  • Behave safely at all times.
  • Respect the needs and comfort of other passengers.
  • Respect bus property by not marking or damaging it.
  • Always follow instructions from the driver about safety on the bus.
  • Allow the driver to drive the bus safely.
  • Only distract the driver in an emergency.
  • Respect the driver and fellow passengers by using socially acceptable language.
  • Retain all objects, body parts and belongings inside the bus or school bag.
  • Show their bus pass or ticket to the driver on boarding and when requested.
  • Look after their bus pass and be the sole user of it.
  • Report misplaced bus passes to the bus company.
  • Keep the aisle clear.
  • Remain seated at all times until the bus stops at their bus stop.

When waiting at bus stops near home, all students will:

  • Wait in line or place their bag in line and behave in an acceptable way.
  • Respect other people's private property including no trespassing.
  • Respect adults.
  • Respect fellow students.

Students who choose to disobey the Code of Conduct receive the following consequences, imposed by the bus company:

  • Student's name recorded by bus driver and warning given.
  • Bus proprietor, principal and student's parents informed.
  • Bus pass withdrawn for a specific time period, depending on the circumstances involved.  Parents informed by letter from the bus company.
  • Student suspended from bus travel.  Parents will need to provide transport. 
  • Students will still be expected to attend school.

Bike riding

The Roads and Maritime Services (formally the Roads and Traffic Authority, RTA) recommends that students who wish to travel to school by bike should be at least 10 years of age.  Students should be familiar with the road rules for cyclists, have a well-maintained bicycle, wear an approved bike helmet and travel via the safest route to school. 

No helmet  = NO bike riding.

A prepared note for parents and students needs to be obtained from the Principal, read, signed and returned (Bike Riding Policy). This note places all responsibility with the parents of the child cycling to school.

After entering the school grounds via the Collins or Thomson Street gates, bikes are to be walked to the designated bike racks. Please be mindful of pedestrians.

The school accepts no responsibility in relation to the security of students' bikes.


Students walking to school should follow the footpaths, cross at the blisters and obey all traffic laws.  Remember stop, look and think, before crossing roads.