19 Dec 2018

Following on from our community consultation early this year the Canteen Sub-Committee has been busy reviewing its operation, and most importantly securing the future of a P&C owned and operated school canteen facility. As you know we undertook a feasibility study and the P&C membership voted to keep the canteen, but under a modified management, leadership and reporting structure. We have spent the last couple of months implementing the P&C memberships approved actions and have successfully completed a restructure and the recruitment of a new position, that of Canteen Manager.
It is a pleasure to announce and welcome Shaye Lucassen as our Canteen Manager, starting January 2019. Shaye joins us bringing with her experience as a chef and retail management; she has a passion for food combined with healthy homemade produce. As a mum, Shaye understands children can be fickle with their eating habits and how important a balanced diet is. She thoroughly enjoys coming up with new and creative ways to make sure kids are presented with a variety of food groups.
We look forward to working with Shaye and bringing you, our school community a healthy, exciting, varied and innovative school canteen menu, whilst upholding the school’s values and P&C’s ethos; and assisting our students in learning necessary healthy life skills.
In closing we would like to express our sincere thanks to Lynne for her 17 years of service, she has provided dedication and commitment to the canteen, the school and the community; and also, to Dani for her work and enthusiasm during the past 2.5 years. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.
We will be in touch in the New Year regarding Canteen 2019 and would like to wish you a safe, fun and healthy, festive season and summer break.
Nicole & Victoria
Canteen Sub-Committee